Lately- Hemming pants with a frayed hem

It's been a while since I've posted, but I've been doing a lot of sewing in between growing babies, having babies, and feeding babies. :) Specifically, these two guys:

I have a PILE of fabric and a long list of things to sew, but I'm working my way through them! Recently, I sewed this adorable Brindle + Twig Scuba Hoodie (with an altered neck) for C (the smaller one for B is in the pile of fabric to be cut haha!) 
I love it! The blue firefighter's print is from Hancock (got it for $3 or $4 a yard) and the red is actually cut from a jersey twin XL sheet I found at the thrift store for $3!

Right now, the project that has made its way back to my sewing machine is re-hemming two pair of pants. You know how the bottom of a hen will start to fray, especially in the back? 

Well, my father-in-law brought me two pairs to see if I could shorten them about 1/4-1/2 inch to keep them from fraying anymore. Here's what I did...

1. Seam rip the hems

2. Zig-zag stitch (I used the widest stitch and almost as close together as possible) over the former bottom edge of the pants, where the fraying is happening. This should help make sure the frayed section doesn't catch on the heel of your shoe and start to rip more. (You can see it better in the finished picture ;) I just drew it in place here so it would show up).

3. Fold the hem so that the green lines match up (the frayed former hem and the fold below that)

4. Fold again so that the red lines match up (halfway point between original stitch line and frayed hem and halfway point between frayed hem and inside fold). Stitch over the original stitch line so that the old hem doesn't show up as holes! :)

How about that? :D Here's the before and after next to one another:

Also, I've recently learned that sewing clips or hairpins are AWESOME for holding things in place while sewing...faster than pins and doesn't damage the fabric (or your hand when you get stabbed...)


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