Etsy Shop is Slowly Reopening! AND A GIVEAWAY! :)

I've been MIA in Etsy & my blog since we moved. This is largely due to the fact that we don't have the super-fast, unlimited internet that we had in the Residence Hall on campus. This is also partly due to the fact that I work "normal part-time" hours now (unlike when I was on campus, when I worked I had all day to craft! :) ) But, I'm determined to make time to craft! :) I have all morning and weekends, so why not, right?? Therefore, I'm slowly re-opening my Etsy shop! I've got two things listed right now, and I plan on adding more things soon! Once again, I have Passport Covers. They'll be made-to-order because I sold out of the pre-made ones I had at the house. (They were a hit! :) )Here's a link! I'm also listing something new: Digital Cards for you to print for announcements, holidays, weddings, moving, or just whatever floats your boa...