Organizing the Spare Room Progress! :)

Today I'm linking up to show my progress in the BedCraftOffice room! :) Hopefully, you'll notice the improvement, and maybe get some organizing ideas in the process! :) Go here to see my before pictures... Spare Room Before And here is how it's looking now! :) This is a good ol' cell phone picture I sent a friend of mine to show progress while I was a look check out the next picture! Yay! You can sorta see my make-shift ribbon holder hanging from the curtain rod. Well, I sorta liked the idea, but def wanted something different, or a way to improve it (you can see it better in the picture of the other side of the room)...and I found the perfect thing a the thrift'll be in my next update! (Unless it sneaks its way into a post before then!) See the Yellow Boxes in the top left cubby of my desk? Nesquick containers! I spray painted the bottoms green (like the trays just above them) and kept...