Stuffed Bell Pepper Stew

Stuffed bell peppers are delicious. Honestly, I always buy bell peppers with the intention of stuffing them.....but they're a bit more work than I'm willing to put into dinner on a weekday, so they wind up getting used in some other dish. Well, that happened again! This actually started out as "What's-in-the-fridge-that-needs-cooked-and-would-taste-good-in-a-stew?" Stew. After I started throwing things into my dutch oven, Adam came into the kitchen and asked me what I was making. I spouted off some combination of words that resembled: "Jambalaya rice stew with green bell peppers and corn" .... He looked at me and said, "Well it smells good...smells like stuffed bell peppers....looks like stuffed bell peppers!" Stuffed Bell Pepper Stew was born. Obviously, you can adjust the ingredients to match what you like in your bell peppers, but here's what was in my stew tonight! 1 (or 1.5) lb ground beef 1 box Jambalaya rice mix (mine is f...