Oh, Hey!

It's been a while since I've posted here....but the last few months have been CRAZY BUSY. Between February and August, there were very few weekends where we didn't have some event to attend that somehow related to some major event in a friend, family member, or our life haha! Just in our family of three (now four...), Adam finished his Associate Degree and picked back up on his Bachelor Degree, Cole turned two, and Blake was born! In addition, my youngest sister graduated high school and my middle sister got married! We went to a retirement party, a funeral, a few piano and band performances, honor ceremonies, baby showers (for us and friends), wedding showers, were invited to a handful of other weddings, did some photography for a few folks, went to birthday parties, and wrapped everything up by spending a week at the beach! That said, I think life is starting to get "normal." We'll see haha!