Lately- Hemming pants with a frayed hem

It's been a while since I've posted, but I've been doing a lot of sewing in between growing babies, having babies, and feeding babies. :) Specifically, these two guys: I have a PILE of fabric and a long list of things to sew, but I'm working my way through them! Recently, I sewed this adorable Brindle + Twig Scuba Hoodie (with an altered neck) for C (the smaller one for B is in the pile of fabric to be cut haha!) I love it! The blue firefighter's print is from Hancock (got it for $3 or $4 a yard) and the red is actually cut from a jersey twin XL sheet I found at the thrift store for $3! Right now, the project that has made its way back to my sewing machine is re-hemming two pair of pants. You know how the bottom of a hen will start to fray, especially in the back? Well, my father-in-law brought me two pairs to see if I could shorten them about 1/4-1/2 inch to keep them from fraying anymore. Here's what I did... 1. Seam rip the hems 2. Zig-zag stitch (I used th...