Blogging for Books…sounds like a plan!

My mom is always finding links for cool things!  She recently sent me a link for Blogging for Books and suggested I try it out…I haven’t even gotten my book yet and I’m excited! :)

Basically, you tell them what kind of books you’re interested in reading, and they give you a couple of options based on your interests.  They mail you a book, you read it and post a review on one of several websites where that book could be purchased, then you send the book back and pick out another! Like Netflix…but for books! :)

On another note, I’m preparing for a presentation and a test on Thursday and Friday, so I’m going to TRY to be a little MIA.  Friday, I’m going to get fitted for my Matron of Honor dress and will likely do some wedding planning with the sister-in-law. So….if you don’t see me for a few days, that’s why!


  1. Thats an awesome idea.. i might have to check it out :-)

  2. That sounds like a really neat idea. If you end up liking it, I might consider checking it out. And good luck with all your stuff that you've got going on.

  3. What a great idea! I wish they did that in Argenrina too :(
    I love books!
    Please let us know how it turns out.


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