Ideas for 100-Follower Giveaway?

I still want to do a giveaway when I get to 100 followers (it’s slowly, but surely getting there!! :) )

So, I’ve been wondering, what would y’all like for me to have as a giveaway?

  • gift certificate to my etsy shop?
  • gift card to some store/restaurant everyone loves?
  • gift certificate to someone else’s shop?
  • something I make? (passport cover, earrings, necklace, purse, change purse, cake plate, personalized etched glass…..possibilities would be anything I’ve made thus far on my blog plus all the ideas running through my head)
  • Any other suggestions? Let me know what you think would be fun to win, or if you’d like to join in on the giveaway! I don’t know when it will be, just depends on when I reach 100 followers! :)



  1. Wow, you really are getting there. You must be in a great crowd, my following is way not there. I always think something you make yourself is a good giveaway.

  2. So exciting, girlie!! :] I love everything that you make... can't go wrong there :]

  3. I thought the etched glasses that you did were really cool. :)

  4. Those are all such great ideas!

  5. Looks like it might just have to be something homemade...and possibly along the etched glass lines! :)

  6. Oh, I vote for something you make! You are so creative!

  7. I am your newest follower. Please come by somtime your are welcome. I love your etsy shop as well.

    Lisa @ Lesapea xx


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