Legacy Quote



I love this! I was browsing through some blogs I’ve recently found and I saw this guy over at Lulu in Los Angeles.

I checked out the site where she found this (Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood)….which is what I’ve been doing lately! Teaching 3,4,&5 year olds some basic object control skills (catch, throw, kick, strike, roll, & dribble to be exact!)  This is all part of what will likely become part of a friend of mine’s dissertation, and I have so much fun working with the kids!

Besides working with young’uns, I sure hope I’ve had a positive impact on all of the residents I’ve had in my buildings over the last five years! That comes out to be 600 people in my buildings!! I’m quite sure not all 600 “liked” me because I was the person who “got them in trouble” as they sometimes like to say. Regardless, I hope I made their day at least once. Even if that one day was just the day they moved to college for the first time and I was the person who handed them the key to their room and welcomed them to Auburn!!!

Rolling on the floor laughing


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a surprise to see that quote there! Isn't it a powerful one! I took it to my new blog too, just something I want to try to remember each day.

    Maegan (lulu)


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