Men’s Shirt Redesign–Brown Stripe

I have a stack of a few of my Paw-Paw’s old shirts that I’ve been planning on redesigning into something I can wear.  I finally finished one of them!! I can’t wait to wear it!
This shirt is a men’s XL light brown/almost tan & white stripe shirt made by Kingsport. It's a relatively lightweight fabric, which meant when I was taking it apart at the seams, I had to use scissors instead of a seam ripper because the seam ripper made the thread pull on the fabric too much. 
Anywho, so here is the summary of before and after…
I took off the pocket, removed the top part of the collar, made little seams on the front and back to pull the shirt in to a gather, and put slits in the side since the shirt was so long. (It should probably be classified as a tunic really!)
This project involved removing almost ever pre-sewn seam from the shirt, altering, and re-sewing it! It was a lot of fun!
brown stripe shirt after (4)

Pinning the shirt to see how many gathers I would need in order to pull the sleeves up to my shoulders.

brown stripe shirt after (5)

See? I wasn’t kidding when I said I took out most of the seams! :)  This made sewing the pleats easier.

    brown stripe shirt after (10)brown stripe shirt after (8)
brown stripe shirt after (11)

Now, instead of a men’s XL, it’s more of a women’s Medium! Smile I love it! Smile

The Girl Creative



  1. Lovely! This tunic style is one of my favorites...just not sure I have the skills to alter an existing shirt. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love it! I'm gonna have to try that with some of your Dad's shirts that have been hanging in the closet for too long.

  3. This is SO cute! You have a lot of guts to try something like this and it came out great! I love it!

  4. Looks fantastic... I just ♥LOVE♥ refashions!!!
    Thanks for stopping by and visiting/following The Quick Unpick...
    The Spangler

  5. I like this! I did the same with my hubbys shirt to make a halter for my daughter!

    link up to my Fashion Friday Runway pary!


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