Shopping Rules

I don't think I've posted it on here yet, but my goal this year is to not buy any unnecessary clothes this year.  Instead, I'm going to re-make clothes or simply make clothes.  I've got two boxes, plus numerous bags of fabric, and a basket full of clothes to fix/re-make.

But....If I WERE buying clothes this year...these would be my shopping rules!
I don't really know when these "rules" developed, but somehow overtime they have.  Some of them may seem impossible to you, but trust me, I have a closet and a set of drawers overflowing to prove that these rules are doable.  I almost always shop the clearance rack (I at least visit it before I shop through the rest of the store).

Here's how it goes: I'll write the item type and the maximum I'll spend! :)

  • Dresses: $30
  • Jeans: $20
    • I've gotten most of my jeans at American Eagle, and I've even managed to get Silver brand jeans and Seven brand jeans at this price :)
  • Shirts (other than tshirts): $20
  • TShirts: $10
    • If it's for a race (therefore $ going to a cause) $20 (and I've REALLY got to love that cause)
  • Long sleeve dressy shirts: $25
  • Shoes: $30
    • I got Chaco flipflops and my wedding shoes at this price! :)
  • Running Shoes: $60
  • Purse: $30
    • (and I've only spent that once. I got my Kavu purse for $1 and I've carried that thing almost every day for about two years! :) )
  • Tank/Spaghetti Strap Shirts: $5
  • Socks: around $1 a pair (so for a pack of 6 athletic socks, $6-$8 max)
  • Skirts: $15
    • very doable if you thrift store shop and alter your skirts to fit!
  • Shorts: $10 ($15 if they're for work and I have to have them and can't find them for $10)

Did I leave anything out?? If I did, leave me a comment, and if I have a "rule" for it, I'll add it! :)
(I just added a few that were sent to me! :) )


  1. I like your shopping rules. I might have to adopt them for myself. :)
    What would you suggest for:
    - socks
    - skirts
    - shorts

  2. lol. I kinda have rules too... but nothing set in stone! lol. i love this tho!! I am cheap and thrifty when i can be.. and normally if its not on sale or a really good price... i dont buy :-)

  3. Go you! I have an AMAZING thrift store near my house full of name-brand stuff at regular thrift prices, so I do a lot of shopping there. I also have a bazillion skirts waiting to be turned into cute summer blouses.

    Make sure to post pics of before/afters on what you make/remake!

  4. Wow, I like your shopping rules, but I don't think I could stick to them. I do however hit up my fave consignment store first, before going to dept stores. Some of my fave items are from the consignment store.

    Happy Friday :)

  5. It's so good to have rules like this! I'm big into thrift store shopping, clearance racks and Plato's Closet. :)

  6. Love your rules! I'm embarrassed to say some of my rules are even cheaper than that! Once you start shopping at thrift stores, it's so hard to go back to regular stores and even pay sales prices. Do you feel that way too?


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