58 cents for 20 boxes of pasta? I'll take it! :)

$0.58 woohoo!!! :)

My advisor is an awesome couponer.
In fact, she blogs about it, and she gets great deals! :)
And...she knows I love to save money and cook.

She told me about the deal Kroger was having on pasta and I had to go get some! :) Basically, Kroger has a special if you buy 10 items from their list of items in their circular, you get $5 off when you use your Kroger Plus card.  Add that deal with an awesome coupon, and the pasta comes out free.  My total tax was $0.78, but after coupons, my total was $0.58

Pasta before any sales: $1.99/box
Pasta with Kroger card along: $0.99/box
Pasta if you buy 10 items and get $5 off: $0.49/box
Awesome coupon found here: $1 off of 2 boxes
Pasta after Kroger Card, 10 item deal, and coupon: less than $0.03/box including tax

My receipt looks like this at the bottom....

And it's all healthy healthy healthy pasta too!! :) :)
 Yay for paying for groceries with dimes! :)



  1. Shoot. It probably cost you more in gas to go to the store.

  2. Whoa! That's awesome! I think I need couponing tips from you.

    Maegan :)

  3. woah.... if I only knew what kroger was. :) we don't have those around here.. Bummer!

  4. OO I just searched it and I can go to Ralphs! YAY!

  5. Awesome! Funny thing, I don't know what a Ralphs is! :) haha! :)

  6. I love it! So glad you were able to go get it:)


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