Buffalo Chicken Dip from Wifey in Training

I’ve been looking for a good reason to make this…every time I’ve put it on my menu, something comes up and we wind up eating out, eating leftover, or going to a dinner party…so….I decided since I have the ingredients, and I have graduation, I may as well make this delicious dip! :)

I found the recipe over at Wifey in Training (who is a soon-to-be mom!) back in February…and it’s delicious! The ONLY thing I changed was I used two cans of chicken instead of fresh chicken because when I went shopping for groceries this month, I went to a different store and their chicken selection was poor, so I’m saving the chicken I have for meals.

Here’s a link to her Buffalo Chicken Dip!  We’re going to eat ours with tortilla chips, crackers, celery, and carrots…yummm….while we wait for some crowds to clear out after graduation before going to eat dinner! :)


  1. I just clicked over to read the recipe - and I've marked it for future! Ohmygosh ... YUM!


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