Happy New Years!

Raise your hand if you slept through the end of 2011/the beginning of 2012..... I'm raising mine (woops!)

I'm pretty sure we passed out around 11, maybe 1130....but we were pretty pooped because we cleaned the house from top to bottom, and put away our Christmas decorations all day! We woke up Sunday morning to a few text messages and an update from ESPN letting us know that Auburn won their bowl game!

Well, to ring in the New Year, I thought I'd share this calendar from my Red Stamp app! :) I think I'm going to make it the background on my phone!

Happy new Year's everyone! :) Don't forget to enter my giveaway by commenting on the post at this link (http://bit.ly/tGCFMw). If you tweet about it, you get an extra entry! The drawing will be on January 7!


  1. happy new year wendy! don't worry....i was sick and slept through the new year too! lol!


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