Cake Presents!

I said I'd post pictures of Megan's Cupcake Pin Cushion and Birthday they are!! :)

From a and w

 Somehow, I managed to forget to take a finished product can see the pins in this picture where I was hand stitching the "wrapper" in place.  I also added a pom-pom to the top.
And the cake...

From a and w
And her reaction when Julia & I gave it to her! (On my singing, colorfully lit cake plate my parents gave me for my birthday!! :) :) )

From a and w

All Thingz Related


  1. stopping by from Trendy Treehouse! LOVE that cake! Amazing detail! and the little cupcake pin cushion is super cute toO!!!!

  2. Thanks!! She was a cupcake for Halloween, and ever since then, we all associate cupcakes with her! We made matching cupcakes as well to take to dinner at a restaurant tonight...I need to take pictures before they're all gone!

  3. Here from NFF - hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!

    xo Erin

  4. That is a beautiful cake! I am a new follower from New Friend Fridays!

  5. That is sooooo cute! The cake and cupcake!

  6. That cake is so cute!! I am your newest follower!!

  7. I found you from New Friend Fridays! I had to follow because I noticed you have lots of delicious recipes and I am constantly looking for new and cooking are not friends! :)

  8. New follower from NFF. You guys are so cute!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  9. Did you really decorate that yourself? It's AMAZING! LOVE it!

  10. Sure did! A friend of mine worked with it on me. It was part of our gift to our other friend! :)

    This reminds me, I need to post a picture up of my wedding cake, which I also decorated! It's definitely my favorite by far!! :)


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