Rainy Saturday and Linky Parties

This morning I've been exploring the blogger world and came across "Linky Parties."  Somehow, I had never heard of them until now!  I uploaded some of my links to a few and I'm going to keep up with the parties I've joined on the new page I added to my blog (look right under the big A&W or go here: Linky Parties.  They're already so much fun to look for ideas for things to make and cook!  So on that note....

It's gross and rainy outside, so the shopping trip we were going to take is pretty delayed.  Adam is breaking in his XBox Live account (since James Allen isn't here to play video games with him).  My fingers are tired of sitting at the computer...so I'm going to make something! Not sure what yet.  Maybe a dress, maybe a shirt, maybe an apron (because my Mom keeps saying she wants one :) ) Maybe one of the purses I've been wanting to make for a while.  Whatever I wind up making, I'll post up here later so I can add it to a linky party during the week! Yay! :)


  1. Interested to see what you decide. Thanks so much for your post on my blog. And I'm happy to meet a fellow southerner!


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