Yummy lunch.

Oh my...I took my own advice and made this yummy dinner and turned it into lunch.  I buttered bread, but it on the pan, sprinkled a little shredded Colby Monterey Jack cheese, then a slice of tomato, some spinach leaves, another tomato slice, place some thin cubes of mozzarella cheese, another piece of buttered bread.  And now it's half-way in my tummy. Oh and wonderful cucumber water to drink! If you've never had that before, try it!! Just put a few slices of cucumber in your glass, then a few cubes of ice, then fill it up with cold water.  It's so refreshing, and it'll make you want to drink water all day! (and get really well hydrated!!) :) :)


  1. Oh, the cucumber water sounds lovely. I never would have thought about that. I'm sure going to try it!

  2. Ohhh yummy. I love cukes! I'm coming over for lunch! :)

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  3. I like your tip abt the cuke water...will have to give that a go. Thanks for stopping by to comment & say hi! :)
    Heather @ www.savingmoneylivinglife.com


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