
Showing posts from July, 2010

Hello Again!

I feel like I've been completely missing from the Blogger world but that's because I was working hard on a final project for my Sport Injury class about the ACL.  It was a lot of fun (nerd...I know, I know) and I learned A LOT about the ACL (apparently there's more to learn after studying anatomy for....7ish years?? of course there is!!) and to sum it all up, I'm super proud  of my work. And while I was missing, I see I've gained some readers. :) That makes me smile!! :) Thanks!! :) Pause. I hear Fire Engines. It's 2am.  Hubby's gonna be tired in the morning when he gets home. Why am I awake at 2am? Possibly because I went to a 10pm movie with my friend Megan...possibly because I decided it was a good time to catch up on reading blogs, and possibly because I'm enjoying taking a mini 1 day break from some schoolwork. :) Anywho...I did do one little bloggy thing in the midst of putting together a research presentation...I joined The Train to Crazy ...

Wordless Wednesday - Studying


Traveling Notebook - What a Great Idea!

When I was in Mrs. Black's First Grade class, we had a teddy bear (don't remember his name....) and a notebook in the classroom.  Each weekend, a different student took the notebook and teddy bear home and their homework was to write what they did that weekend.  When I finally got the notebook, it was so cool to read what all my classmates had done over their weekends! Well, one blogger has a similar idea she's started... The Notebook Journey How cool is that!!  When the notebook is full, it'll get shipped back to her, and she can read everything people have written, see pictures people have drawn...and right now, it's overseas in Ireland!!! (Lucky notebook, it's a world traveler, and it's not having to pay for airplane tickets and stuff...just flat rate mailing boxes haha) Anywho, she's thinking about starting a second if you're interested, go to her blog and read about it.  She has a "Contact" tab where her email is post...

It's already Tuesday??

1. Do you sing in the shower or car when no one else is listening? Not in the shower, but YES in the car. 2.  Do you have a nickname you go by now or growing up? My Grandpa used to call me WendyBurger :)  I also was called "Little Wendell" growing up because I look A LOT like my dad.  Now, people tend to call me WendayBird :) (with an a hahah) 3. Do you speak another language? Oui, je parle franƧais tout les temps....mon pauvre mari hahahah! :) 4. Where is you favorite vacation spot? I love going to the mountains and the beach with my hubby but I'm also still reminiscing about my awesome trip to France my parents gave me for college graduation. :) 5. What do you cook the most for dinner? Creamy Chicken Casserole .  (any variation of it...) Our favorite for sure!

Broccoli & Cheese Casserole

Dinner needed cooked and the freezer needed emptying... problem solved... We had some soup that was leftover from dinner a while back that we froze (Broccoli Cheddar soup from yummy but it made more than the two of us could eat!)  When we ate it the first time, it was a little thinner than we wanted and more cheddar-y than broccoli-y.  Well, we weren't really in the mood for soup tonight, so I thawed out the soup and added 1/2 cup of pureed broccoli (I keep several pureed veggies in the freezer to "sneak" into foods).  When everything was unfrozen, I added in some noodles (wish I did rice, but noodles tasted delicious :) ), poured the mixture into an 8x8 pan and topped it with about 7 crushed club crackers (since it was a smaller casserole) and some shredded mixed cheese.  I put it in the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes (until the edges were bubbling) and it was sooooo good!! :) I'm just sad that there aren't a lot of leftovers hhahaa...jus...

Today is definitely miscellaneous :)

1. I just saw I have 50 followers!!! Ahhh!!! I never thought that would happen!! :)  I'm currently brainstorming what kind of giveaway I can do when I make it to 100...I paint, sew, craft, so I've got a few options running through my head! :) 2. We got SO MUCH MAIL today!! :) Not all fun stuff, but lots of fun stuff included!! :)  First thing I opened was my package from Kim at Oh, Sweet Joy.  She's got her shop closed for now because her and her hubby are traveling overseas to teach English and minister for a few months!! (Keep them in your prayers!)  I found out about her shop through a friend of a friend (who is now a friend as well...was that confusing? haha)  Look at what I got for me!!! (I can't show you the other because it's a gift for my sister and I don't want her sneaking peaks at it....) blurry...sorry...cellphone and trying to take a picture of something you can't see hahaha..but hey! you can see a picture I painted in the background haha ...

White Shrug

I finally wore it (the shrug I talked about here ....

Happy One Year Anniversary To Us! :)

We just got back from a one year anniversary trip to Pine Mountain, GA (we loooooved that house!!)  And we decided since it was a log cabin, like the cabin we stayed in for our honeymoon (in Sevierville, TN) we should take another picture by the fireplace. :) So they're not exactly  one year apart...but still! :) And here we are exactly one year ago (not to the minute, because at this point, I was still hiding behind the doors waiting on the parents, grandparents, and wedding party to make it down the aisle hahaha)

Our new toy from CSN!

We finally picked out something from CSN to get.  We looked at soooo many things! Including this nifty handle mitt by Le Creuset.... But...we decided I should make one that's all coffee-fied like the rest of our kitchen.  Anywho, we decided we needed this.... ...because when I make pancakes for Adam, I make LOTS of pancakes hahaha. (We freeze the extra so he can take them to work, or warm them up in the toaster/microwave without having to make a box full of pancakes again hahah)  So Yay! :) We're getting a double burner griddle!! :) (For Free!! :) )  Thanks again Amanda at The Hand Me Down House ! (PS She has another giveaway going on right now, for a free advertising spot on her sidebar for your etsy store!

Multi-tasking at its best

We've been goinng to the gym on the nights Adam doesn't have to I decided instead of reading a dated magazine I'd catch up on my blog reading while I ride the stationary bike. I feel accomplished hahahahaha :)

I'm a Winner!!

I'm so excited! I woke up earlier than normal this morning (having a sleepover and sleeping on the floor will somehow force your body to wake up earlier hahhaha) ...therefore, I checked my email earlier than normal.  I had an email from Amanda at The Hand Me Down House! I won the $40 gift card to CSN stores !  So excited!! Guess it's time to start shopping! :)  Thanks so much Amanda! :)

Hoo Are You Tuesday

Here are my answers to the question over at  Night Owl Crafting 1. Have you ever broke a bone or anything on your body? I broke a toe once and it was incredibly painful...and right before I started pointe classes in dance.  I had to wait until it healed to wear my new pointe shoes.  Then, right as it was about healed, my toes clashed with my sister's toes and it rebroke. :( 2. What is your favorite drink? Juice of just about any kind....or Coffee (no longer have to have it everyday! :) ) Also love A&W rootbeer and cream soda :) :) 3. When is your birthday! You don't have to tell the year you were born! December 27! :) 4. Do you have an allergies? Nope, other than poison oak/ivy, but I do my best to avoid that. 5. What is one of your all time favorite movies? I favorite movie of all time is the Wizard of Oz!! I have almost all of the books in the series that L. Frank Baum wrote, plus I have the Wizard of Oz in French that I bought in Paris :) :)

Yellow Shirt with White Curled Edges

Here's what I started about a week and a half ago, but I've been working on other stuff too and it kinda got pushed to the bottom of the pile (of stuff that needs fixed or finished).  Well, I started working on the pile today and now I have a new shirt! I started with a plain yellow tshirt from Hobby Lobby (kids Large so it would be more like a baby tee) and I cut the sleeves to be shorter, cut the neck to have a scoop like a shirt I had around, and cut the hem off the bottom of the shirt. Then I took strips of white jersey from another tee I cut up (the one I made into a shrug that I haven't worn yet or posted pictures of do list.) and sewed them under the sleeves, neck, and bottom (1 on each sleeve, two rows on the neckline, and three rows on the bottom.) I stretched them a little to encourage curling, especially after it's washed! I like it! :)

Tomato Snack

Adam made a mid-day snack today and it's yummy!  First he lined the cookie sheet with aluminum foil (it's our cheat for not having to wash dishes so often hehe) and covered the aluminum foil in olive oil.  He sliced a tomato (fresh from market...yum) and covered each slice with a little bit of olive oil, some Italian seasoning, and some Parmesan cheese.  Then he put them in the oven at 350 for about 10 minutes or so (until the cheese was crusted on the edges of the tomato). And now I'm adding the picture, because I realized I forgot to!!

We Went to a Wedding! :)

The Bride and Groom! I love love love her dress and her veil! ...And we made some pretty wedding gifts! When we got married, I etched several glasses for decoration and our unity floating candle (and for drinking from later).  Well, Bo (one of the groomsmen) loooved them and showed them off to everyone for me! So...we thought it was appropriate that he and Cameron have some (with the monogram that was on their invitation!) Also, we (I bought the supplies, and Adam assembled it) made a cake plate using a China plate from the 1960s! :) (Gotta love some internet research using the logo on the back of the plate!)  I don't have great  pictures of the plate, but you get the idea! And this is how cute we turned out for the wedding! :) We kinda wound up wearing our wedding colors ( cute, a week before our anniversary!)

Coming to my blog later this week...

It's not coming now because I've gotta get Sarah off the Guitar Hero and go to sleep now!! Which means, I'm done sewing for the night!! :) :)

Bastille Day Dinner Improv! Mini Paninis

I realized that today is July 14...hence Bastille Day! Lucky me, I bought a baguette in Publix that needed to be eaten today, but no tomatoes, so I couldn't make my normal go-to when I have bread on hand ( Super Simple Dinner ).  So I came up with something along the same lines.  Mini Paninis! I sliced the baguette into thin slices and buttered one side of a piece of bread and placed it on the grill pan.  Next, sprinkle some shredded cheese, then slice a piece of ham in half, fold and set on top.  Sprinkle more cheese.  On the second piece of bread, spread some pesto on one side, and butter on the other.  Set on the sandwich, butter side up.  Flip when the bottom bread is nice and toasty. This particular baguette was a little skinnier than some I've bought in the past, so we ate 3 or 4 sandwiches each (depending on which end of the baguette your sandwiches came from!! :) ) Sarah is a picky eater, but she loooooves pepperoni and cheese sandwiche...

Sneaky Smoothie! :)

I wasn't really hungry at "dinner time" today, so of course I got hungry around 10:45pm tonight!  I decided another smoothie was the perfect solution ( instead of  with those chocolate chip peanut butter cup cookies the husband and his friend are eating hahah). The fruit I've been using almost daily  is a banana, some frozen blueberries, a few strawberries, and some orange juice.  Well, I used the last of the bananas in some banana bread last night while Sarah and I were watching A Walk to Remember .  I looked in the freezer and found 1/4 cup of frozen sweet potato puree.... :)  My sister-and-law and I like to mix sweet potato puree to shredded cheese before we make our grilled cheese sandwiches....and it's also delicious when mixed into homemade hot cocoa (filling too!)  I got those recipes from Deceptively Delicious. So anywho.....I added that last bit of pureed sweet potato to some orange juice, about 5 strawberries, and about two handfuls of blu...

Hey Monday!

Amazingly, I've been awake for about an hour now...but my sister is asleep in the den (I told her I wouldn't wake her up until 8:30 or 9:00, so after this, she's getting awake haha). Anywho, I found a linky party this morning while I was catching up on weekend blogs...called Miscellany Monday Figured this would be the perfect way to link up to my scatterbrained thoughts of plans for this week... In terms of sewing, I want to finish Mom's apron and my t-shirt quilt.  I started the quilt after my freshman year of college.  It's made up of (mostly mine) and a few of Adam's shirts from high school.....including the shirts we wore on our first date.  Even though I started it five years ago or something like's still not done! I kept finding more shirts to add!! (And sadly, I still wear some of my shirts from high school! This is why I'm trying to wear tshirts less frequently, but it's just not happening hhaha) We're thinking abou...

Week with Sister!

My youngest sister is spending the week with us this week! We just went to see Despicable Me and we loved it! :) The entire theatre was laughing during the whole movie. Now we're taking her to Johnny Brusco's because she looooves pizza! Tomorrow she gets to come to class with me yaaayy!!

Friday's Here!

Although I have to admit, that I've been really bad at keeping up with the days of the week lately (with a five day weekend for me, a holiday, and only one class every other day...) Regardless, it's time for all Friday blog hops! :) I'm linking up with The Girl Creative and The Trendy Treehouse for New Friends Friday again this week! Here's one I found for the first time today! It's Friendly Friday hosted by  Thanks Mail Carrier ,  The Frugal Novice , and  Healthy Home Blog .

Hello Again!

I feel like it's been forever since I've posted...but it's only been like a day and a half!  I guess I was just super busy the last few days!  I've had a few quizzes (not super time consuming really), a paper to write, a camp check-in (love them!  It's a twirling camp that my Mom actually went to when she was in high school, and now they're staying in my building!), and I've been sewing! :)  After I whipped up five passport covers like mine (talked about it in that last post ....) and a custom one for Donna at My Shabby Chateau ! :)  I love it so much! :)  Adam looked over while I was sewing on the button she picked out and he said it looked really great! FYI: Keep your eyes peeled for this fabric again soon! :) ((MOM <3 )) :) :)

Passport Covers & Notecards on Etsy!

In case you haven't looked at my etsy shop , stop by!  I've got several sets of watercolor notecards listed, painted by my father-in-law.  And just now, I've added a listing for 5 passport covers I made tonight! :)  I've made it so you can have a choice in what button you have on front.  I'm so excited!! You can ask Adam...I've been talking everyday for the last...two weeks....about how I want to make something to put on Etsy!  After I made my passport cover (because I wished I had one when I went to France)...I was already thinking about making more and listing them, and then I had a few several people confirm that for me. Right now, I only have one blue paisley design listed, but I've got LOTS of fabric here I can use.  Adam voted I make some Auburn colored ones, of course.  So I'm sure I'll list some of those soon! :) Anywho, I'm excited! :)

Blog Hop: Marketing Mondays @ Trendy Treehouse

Here's this week's Blog Hop for Marketing Monday! (A free way to advertise your etsy shop! :) :) ) Super handy for me this week because this past week I finished listing the notecards featuring my father-in-law's watercolor painting...and I hope to put up some sewing projects soon! :)

Saturday Summary

I haven't blogged any during the day because I knew I would have some more "bloggy" things to talk about now that today is almost goes! :) I started off by making a yummy smoothie for breakfast this morning...2 kiwi, 2 banana, and what was salvageable of the mango I had left in the kitchen. (I had originally planned on making some kiwi banana bread, but I ran out of flour after making mango bread .... Anywho, I topped off my smoothie with a slice of cucumber (why didn't I add some of those? I have a good bit of cucumber...maybe tomorrow!) and a peppermint leaf.  It was pretty hahaha. :) Then after watching some movies, doing some laundry, and starting the cupcakes...I made a passport cover!  While I was in France, I was wishing I had one because I liked to stick my boarding passes in the pages of my passport, and I was always afraid they would fall out in my purse and I'd have to dig for them.  So here's my solution for next time I ...