Banana Cupcakes with Chocolate Chips and Peanut Butter Buttercream Icing

How's that for a title? :) :)

Emily and I got a little creative last night.  Once again, we had some bananas that needed eaten (maybe we should start eating more bananas?? :) ) And we wanted to make something we've never made before.  Here's the result! :)


Funny story how we came up with this recipe.  We decided to make banana cupcakes and then realized we had no eggs.  We looked up egg subsitutes and found out that one banana is a sub for one egg. Perfect!  Our cake mix called for 3 eggs and we had 3 bananas.

Banana Cupcakes
Using a Golden Yellow Cake mix (we used Betty Crocker), follow the instructions but leave out the eggs and add in three smushed bananas instead!  It's that easy! :)

Yummy Batter...that's safe to eat because it's egg-free!!!!

Peanut Butter Buttercream Icing
(Basically buttercream icing plus 2 cups of peanut butter minus the vanilla extract.)

4 cups confectioner's sugar
1/4 cup milk
1 stick of butter (softened)
2 cups peanut butter

Mix it all up! If it's a little too thick, add in a splash of milk.  If it's a little too thin, add a little more confectioner's sugar.  The humidity tends to have an effect on whether you need to add one, the other, or neither.

And here's where the chocolate chips come in!
You can either drop the chips onto the cupcakes before they cook, or wait and drop them on right after they come out of the oven.  They'll melt a little and you can spread them on the top of the cupcakes.

And Ice them when they're cool! :)
We found out it's easier to ice them after you take them out of the pan...otherwise you get a lot of icing on your hands when you try to get them out of the pan!


  1. My mouth is watering! Yummy! You are so creative!

  2. those sounds delish!!! i always have one or two bananas that we don't get eaten quick enough!

  3. Ok, these look amazing! I love bananas and chocolate, so I'm definitely going to give this a try! :]


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