30 Day Blog Challenge : Day 3 : Your First Love

I'm going to think outside of the box on this one because I could go a few different ways on this one.

I can say God is my first love for obvious reasons! I love Him! :)

I can also say Adam is my first love because he was my high school sweetheart. :)

But I'm going to go for my very very very first loves: Mom & Dad! :) I hung out in Mom's belly for around nine months and heard the two of them talking (and playing piano) during all that time.  Granted I don't remember all that, I'm pretty sure I loved every minute of it and I still do!  I feel so at home when I hear Mom or Dad's voice or when I hear Dad playing piano or when I hear Mom sewing. :)


  1. Of all directions that you could have gone, that's the one I least expected... but SO sweet! :]

  2. ohhhh...I love that. And I love that you thought of God first and foremost. :) Me too!!

  3. Awww! I love you too! There you go, making me cry first thing this morning! Love you bunches! Mom

  4. aww so beautiful and heart felt! love it :)


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