Happy Dance for the Happy 101 Blog Award! :)

Mandy from Mandy's Yellow Corner (PS she has a cute etsy shop as well!)
passed the Happy 101 Blog Award to me yesterday!! :)

Sure did make my afternoon!! :)

Here are the rules for this award...

1. Post who gave you the award
2. List 10 things you like (PS Mandy, I could pretty much copy and paste your list, but that would be no fun! haha!)
3. Give the award to 10 other blogs and let them know through a comment.

So many things make me happy...let's see if we can narrow it down!! :) 
...after sitting here a while, I've decided I'm going to say GOD & my Family here...& now I'll mention 10 more things!!!  :)

1. France

2. Disney movies
I ordered this one yesterday!!!!

3. Crayola Crayons
The smell reminds me of Kindergarten!

4. Books/Reading/Studying
Because I really am a nerd.

5. Cooking & Baking
In case this is the first time you've ever seen my blog!

6. Sewing/Crafting

7. Photography
Taken at Florida State University near the Coliseum

Jordan-Hare Stadium 2009 Football Season

Fall Flowers and Pumpkins October 2009

8. The Wizard of Oz
see? :)
look closer... hehe. :)

9. Auburn

10. Blogging & Making Bloggy things :)
It's true! I wouldn't put up my recipes and sewing projects if it didn't make me feel so accomplished! :)

And now for passing it on to 10 more blogs! :)
I'll admit, I've given a few of these awards before, but hey, that just means they deserve it!!! :) :) :)


  1. Congrats on your award and thank you so much for sharing :)
    I love the shoes!!!
    P.S.(wonderful idea to use the floorplanner for the residents)

  2. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to put this on my blog right away! I love it...it's so cute and I've never seen this one given away before.I am truly grateful! :)

    And also, your wedding shoes were truly the coolest things I've ever seen...that was the neatest idea ever and I love the wizard of oz to pieces too. I wish I would have thought of that! :)

  3. I love your list! And I love that you thought of me! Thanks for the award, girl!! (:

  4. I love your list! And I loved visiting France too! And the red shoes - adorable. :)

  5. Ah I love everything on your list! War Eagle!


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