Broccoli & Cheese Casserole

Dinner needed cooked and the freezer needed emptying...
problem solved...

We had some soup that was leftover from dinner a while back that we froze (Broccoli Cheddar soup from yummy but it made more than the two of us could eat!)  When we ate it the first time, it was a little thinner than we wanted and more cheddar-y than broccoli-y.  Well, we weren't really in the mood for soup tonight, so I thawed out the soup and added 1/2 cup of pureed broccoli (I keep several pureed veggies in the freezer to "sneak" into foods).  When everything was unfrozen, I added in some noodles (wish I did rice, but noodles tasted delicious :) ), poured the mixture into an 8x8 pan and topped it with about 7 crushed club crackers (since it was a smaller casserole) and some shredded mixed cheese.  I put it in the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes (until the edges were bubbling) and it was sooooo good!! :) I'm just sad that there aren't a lot of leftovers hhahaa...just enough for lunch tomorrow!
I had a better picture (this ones colors are funny and I can't seem to fix them..whatever) but I accidentally deleted it off the camera and didn't realize it until the casserole was pretty much gone haha.

While I was working on finishing up the casserole, Adam used our last tomato to make the yummy tomato slices he's made before. :) We put them over some spinach leaves and had quite a scrumptious meal (with Pillsbury croissants on the side!)

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  1. mmmm that looks good! i'm trying to clean out our fridge before i go to the store. i think we will be eating random things this week! haha!

  2. What a great idea! It looks like it was delicious!


  3. Oh it WAS delicious...that night...and the next day :)

    I'm thinking I could probably sub the frozen leftover soup for just a can of broccoli & cheese soup next time (since I don't have anymore leftover soup!)

  4. Sounds good to me! Thank you for sharing this great casserole recipe with us at Anything Related!


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