Friday's Here!

Although I have to admit, that I've been really bad at keeping up with the days of the week lately (with a five day weekend for me, a holiday, and only one class every other day...)

Regardless, it's time for all Friday blog hops! :)

I'm linking up with The Girl Creative and The Trendy Treehouse for New Friends Friday again this week!

New Friend Fridays

Here's one I found for the first time today! It's Friendly Friday hosted by Thanks Mail CarrierThe Frugal Novice, and Healthy Home Blog.


  1. Wendy, so glad you stopped by Friendly Friday! Thanks for posting our button and linky.
    I enjoyed reading your "About Me" page and getting to "meet" you. :)

  2. Wendy, so glad you stopped by Friendly Friday! Thanks for posting our button and linky.
    I enjoyed reading your "About Me" page and getting to "meet" you. :)

  3. Hi Wendy! Thanks for being a part of Friendly Friday. Your blog is great! You need to start collecting A&W root beer products, lol. :)

    Following you back through GFC!

  4. So glad you joined us, Wendy! I hope you meet some great new blogs and that they come find you as well!

    Have a great weekend :)

  5. Thanks so much for your visit!! It is always fun to meet another Wendy! Happy to be your newest follower :)

  6. Hi Wendy,
    I just received my passport covers, and I want to say a BIG thanks! I love them & can't wait to use them! Love the fabrics, and thanks for sending them out super quick! I will be sure to put a plug in for your passports on my blog later this week. We are leaving tonight for a short camping trip. (so no internet service!) Have a great weekend!


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