It's already Tuesday??

1. Do you sing in the shower or car when no one else is listening?

Not in the shower, but YES in the car.

2.  Do you have a nickname you go by now or growing up?

My Grandpa used to call me WendyBurger :)  I also was called "Little Wendell" growing up because I look A LOT like my dad.  Now, people tend to call me WendayBird :) (with an a hahah)

3. Do you speak another language?

Oui, je parle français tout les temps....mon pauvre mari hahahah! :)

4. Where is you favorite vacation spot?

I love going to the mountains and the beach with my hubby but I'm also still reminiscing about my awesome trip to France my parents gave me for college graduation. :)

5. What do you cook the most for dinner?
Creamy Chicken Casserole.  (any variation of it...) Our favorite for sure!



  1. I am so jealous that you can speak another language!

  2. I wish I could speak another language! Wendybird is a cute nickname! :)

  3. What a yummy dish! I love finding new recipes! Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you!


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