Tomato Snack

Adam made a mid-day snack today and it's yummy!  First he lined the cookie sheet with aluminum foil (it's our cheat for not having to wash dishes so often hehe) and covered the aluminum foil in olive oil.  He sliced a tomato (fresh from market...yum) and covered each slice with a little bit of olive oil, some Italian seasoning, and some Parmesan cheese.  Then he put them in the oven at 350 for about 10 minutes or so (until the cheese was crusted on the edges of the tomato).

And now I'm adding the picture, because I realized I forgot to!!


  1. ooo yum! They look like baby pizzas! I bought tomatoes today and we will definitely have to try that this week!

  2. Haha you're right! They're pizzas for the people who cut bread out of their diet!! :)

  3. You know I'm gonna HAVE to try this now that you made something with tomatoes. I love tomatoes... and this fact is nothing new. LOL


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