Passport Covers & Notecards on Etsy!

In case you haven't looked at my etsy shop, stop by!  I've got several sets of watercolor notecards listed, painted by my father-in-law.  And just now, I've added a listing for 5 passport covers I made tonight! :)  I've made it so you can have a choice in what button you have on front.  I'm so excited!! You can ask Adam...I've been talking everyday for the last...two weeks....about how I want to make something to put on Etsy!  After I made my passport cover (because I wished I had one when I went to France)...I was already thinking about making more and listing them, and then I had a few several people confirm that for me.

Right now, I only have one blue paisley design listed, but I've got LOTS of fabric here I can use.  Adam voted I make some Auburn colored ones, of course.  So I'm sure I'll list some of those soon! :)

Anywho, I'm excited! :)


  1. Wendy, super cute passport covers! I've been wanting to add an Etsy shop too...congrats! I'm excited for you! And should make some Auburn ones...

  2. Wendy these are seriously so cute! Also, so original because I've never seen anything like them.
    And I also wanted to thank you for your comment..I will truly never forget yesterday morning lol! :)

  3. i just came across your blog! the passport cover is adorable!! now, if i could just travel somewhere.... :)

  4. Love the passport covers! Thanks for stopping by today and for your sweet comments!

  5. Good job! I love idea! Now, you just have to offer me a trip to France. ;)

  6. Thanks everybody!! :) I was already feeling excited about them and seeing everyone's comments makes me even more excited!! :)

    I agree with everyone...I want to go (back) to France!! Soon! hahah :)

  7. These are so cute! What a great way to make your passport stylish! :) LOVE it! And love your Etsy shop!

  8. Love this passport cover! I always seem to be looking for one, but they're all usually so boring. Or worse - sooo expensive.

    Yes, that's my grandfather, wearing an Auburn Tigers shirt. :) War Eagle! if you're an Auburn fan. War Eagle! if you're not. :)

    Thanks for hopping by today.



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