T-Shirt Quilt...Back at it!

The summer after my Freshman year of college I started a tshirt quilt with some of my elementary, middle, and high school tshirts.  Well, I kinda ignored it the last.....four-ish years?? Something like that.  I pulled it out of the closet and started working on it again!  I've added a few more shirts to it (still need to find one more, but I can do that a little later...maybe our Senior prom tshirt).  Also, I noticed that I've most definitely improved in my sewing skills (and patience) in the last few years.  There are several things I would do different if I started over.  For starters, don't use a permanent marker to outline where the seams will be....use a marker to mark the edge including seam allowances...preferable in washable disappearing ink...not Sharpie. hahhah.  Anywho, one of my friends is starting up her own tshirt quilt and I'm going to finish mine.  I plan on making a college one later and Adam wants one made of some of his old Fire shirts too (when they get old).  But, here's pretty much what it looks like right now...

AAAAAANNNNDDDDD guess what came in the mail today....

I do believe we'll have pancakes in the morning! :)


  1. the t-shirt quilt is such a cute idea!! :)

  2. I had a friend in college whos mother had made her a quilt from all of her highschool band and orchestra shirts, and I always thought that it was the coolest thing! Yours looks like it's going to be HUGE! Good luck finishing it! :]

  3. A t-shirt quilt has been something I've considered starting recently. Any suggestions on what to do to get started?

  4. I started by finding as many shirts as possible and getting an idea for how big I wanted it. Originally, I wanted it to be my comforter sophomore year, but I didn't finish it in time...so now it's going to be 5x5 shirts on each side (Adam's voting I make it 5x10 hehe).

    Etsy has a lot of good ideas in terms of how to design the quilt...with borders in between...or not...just whatever!

    I cut out a piece of cardboard 13x13 for my squares and when I cut the fabric, I left seam allowance around the sides...what I should have done, was cut each one to be 13x13 and then each square would be 12x12 with a nice big 1 inch seam allowance!

    I'm in the process of putting fusible interfacing on each square so it doesn't stretch when I sew.

    Maybe I should put up a tutorial...that would be fun! Ok, I'll start taking step by step pictures and post a series of tutorials, and then one big wrap up when I finish (it may be a little while bc it's one of those when-you-have-a-full-day projects haha)


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