Chicken with Herbes de Provence

Look what we had for dinner last night.....

Cell phone picture... :)

It was soooo good! We just put a little olive oil on the chicken and then covered it with Herbes de Provence.  Adam said the seasoning reminded him of Italian seasoning, which makes sense because Italy is right there next to Provence.  When I toured le Palais de Papes in Avignon, I learned that for a little parts of the south of France were part of the Roman Empire (hence the Italian influence).  Of course, I don't remember the specific dates or anything, but I thought it was cool!! :)

P.S. I've discovered the beauty of scheduled posts!! :) I've know they existed, just never really taken advantage of them.  I'm lovin' it because this way, on days when I don't have much to do, I can write a few posts and let them upload over a span of a few days.  Aaanndddd....on days I'm busy I don't have to feel like I'm neglecting uploading sewing and cooking posts. :)  Anywho, that's all for now!


  1. Mmmm, have I ever mentioned that I LOVE chicken? If I have my way, I'd eat it every night, but I only have about 4 good chicken recipes. So I'm going to have to try this sometime!

    And I just started the post scheduling when we moved here- it's hard to post at 7:00 EST when it's 5:00 AM here! - but now I've just gotten addicted to it :]

  2. Wendy, I have a top to send you from your comment on my blog:
    Please contact me at hawkeyejlp (at) gmail with your shipping info. I think it will suit you beautifully!

  3. Oh it is so good and so easy Mandy! The 99 cents spices + the always pretty inexpensive chicken + frozen veggies the husband seasoned and cooked = pretty cheap meal! :) :)


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