365 Miles in 365 Days

I've got a plan.  I'm going to run (at least) 365 miles in 365 days.  I used to run almost daily and would run a few 5Ks a semester.  For whatever reason, I stopped doing so well in the keeping up with my running (and I'm an Exercise Science major...tsk tsk Wendy!)

So I've decided I need to set a goal other than just "I'm going to run a 5K" (done it) or "I'm going to run a 10K" (by when specifically? this year? next year? next week?) or "I'm going to run a marathon" (that just sounds intimidating right now!).  Besides, signing up for races involves money, and right now, I just want to run for fun.  I DO want to do another race soon, but I don't want that to be my only goal. So, between September 10, 2010 and September 10, 2011 (9/10/11 haha! I really didn't do that on purpose!) I'm going to run at least 365 miles.

I'm keeping up with my distances on my new tab I added a few days ago called Running Log.  I'm not starting off running every day, but eventually, I'll be running more than one mile a day, so I should catch up with myself!

One year for my birthday, one of my friends gave me a really cool planner where you recorded how far you ran, how you felt while you were running, races you ran (and your times) and you could even jot down the weather if you wanted.

I just found it online!!  I'm going to hold off on buying the 2010 edition, but I think I just might invest in the 2011 edition. (If it gives you any idea of how long it's been since I've run on a really regular basis...mine was the 2007 or 2008 edition! :X That's no good!


  1. What a great goal to have! Good luck! :)

  2. Yay for goals!
    I need a race to hang over my head for motivation; now on my 10 day countdown to the Bluegrass Half Marathon in Johnson City, TN. There is NO danger of me being overtrained (gulp!) but provided the weather is cool, I hope to make it in 2:10.

  3. Not really into running but I complete support your enthusiasm. My cousin was just visiting and shared her goal of running two miles a day, every day. She is doing it with her husband. Even when they don't run outside, they either run on a treadmill (sp?) or a running jogger. It's a pretty good goal. He has a blog dedicated to their efforts but I don't know the name yet. She didn't know. Thanks for sharing your goal. I'm rooting for you!

  4. Good luck, that is an awesome positive goal!:)


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