I learned a new trick!!!!!

I've been wanting to learn some new photo editing skills...
like being able to select what's in color and what's in black & white.
Somehow I came across this site...

I don't remember how I found it...probably one of those things where you look at one site, then the next, then the next, then the next....and before you know it, you've learned how to play with the coloring in a photo!! :)

I practiced on this picture of me, my sisters, and my sister-in-law on my wedding day...

Yay!!!! :) The flowers POP!! :)


  1. That's awesome! Did you have to use photoshop?

  2. Oh!! I forgot to say!! I used Gimp (gimp.org) a free program that is apparently crazy similar to Photoshop.

  3. That is great! That is one of my favorite photo editing tricks, I use paint.net, it is a free program:)

  4. I have paint.net too! I love it love it love it as well! I'm just trying to convert myself to Gimp because it works on my PC and my Mac.


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